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  • Kurt J Moor

Comp team avenge home defeat against Racqueteers

Updated: Jan 31, 2019

Playing away on a Friday night was a bit novel but comp team stuck their task well. Some tough games with Yat subbing in for injured Julian. First mens matches saw Kev and yat complete a routine win. Ashleigh and Dan L took the game to 3 ends but couldn’t quite bring it home.

Mary and Jayne similarly lost in a very tight 3 ended affair, leaving us 2-1 down after first round.

Second set of 3 runners saw us tieing up with victories for the Men’s but kev and Jane losing their mixed games. 3-3 so last games would be pressurised.

Yat and mary kicked off with a good win leaving Dan and jane plus Ashleigh and Mary to win 1 rubber to bring it home! In the end Dan and Jane completed a well deserved win meaning everyone contributed to at least 1 win on the night. ash and mary lost there rubber but result was fortunately already sealed. He even needed a swift port to soothe the nerves after!

Good win comp team and avenged a home defeat to a ever improving racquateers team.

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